Thursday, May 14, 2020

Blood Donation Essay - 935 Words

Informative Speech Your Name: Tyra Manning-Grate Organization: Topical pattern. Topic: Blood Donation Rhetorical Purpose: To inform my audience on what to expect with blood donation. Redemptive Purpose: To inform my audience how the process of blood donation is simple but life changing for someone else. Exodus 24:8 Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, â€Å"This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words.†this vocation or vocational skill can serve as a platform for promoting something that God values, according to Scripture. Introduction: I. Today your actions can save a life with a quick and easy process. Emergency rescue is†¦show more content†¦Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. c. If these preliminary conditions are met, a person is then able to fill out a questionnaire, which asks specific questions about a person’s lifestyle to determine their level of risk. d. A person who has any of the following cannot donate blood: 1. Low hemoglobin/hematocrit and cold or flu symptoms 2. Certain travel and taking some medications 3. Has been tattooed or unprofessionally body piercing 4. Has an increased risk of HIV and other STDs e. This is only a summary of the questions asked by the American Red Cross before blood donation. A complete listing can be found on their website ( II. If a potential donor meets all of the criteria, a mini-physical examination that includes checking: a. Your temperature, blood pressure and pulse is taken. b. A drop of blood is taken to be sure you have enough red blood cells. c. When these tests are complete, you’ll be asked about your past/present health/lifestyle. d. Cleanse the area you will be using to donate. All supplies, including the needle, are sterile andare used only once – for you. e. When the donation start several things occur: At the beginning you may feel a brief â€Å"sting† from the needle; the donation usuallyShow MoreRelatedBlood Donation674 Words   |  3 Pageswith a heart defect and must have daily transfusion of blood everyday. Or imagine any situation where a loved one is hospitalized and needs blood supply. If anything ever happened to a loved one, in a heartbeat every single one of you would do anything to save there live. Background info: Every two seconds, someone needs blood and about 1 in 7 people entering hospitals need blood. That means a lot of blood is needed. The demand for blood is high, but the supply is not. In shocking statisticsRead MorePrevention And Treatment Of Blood Donation Essay1340 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to the NHS 120,000 fewer people joined the blood donor register in 2014-15 than in 2004-05. This is significant sd it means there is a lack of volume and variation of blood. Throughout this brief I will consider the current system, mark out areas in need of improvement and consider alternatives to combat these increasing blood donation in the UK. Currently UK donors voluntarily register to donate. However not everyone can donate. For example, you must be healthy aged between 17-65,Read MoreBlood Donation Persuasive Speaking1497 Words   |  6 PagesPersuasive Speech: Donate Blood Summary: Objective essay to persuade people to give blood. Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience to go out and give blood Introduction: I. Imagine your father has just suffered a heart attack and must undergo open-heart surgery in order to repair the damage. II. Imagine your little nephew or niece baby was born with a heart defect and required daily transfusions of blood in order to have a chance at survival. III. Imagine your best friendRead MoreDefinitions For Blood Donation746 Words   |  3 Pagesstudy for the blood donation. Males appeared more willing to donate blood than females, but most respondents in each race-gender group were willing to donate except for black females. The donation for cadaveric organs, most white respondents had identified themselves as organ donors on their driver’s licenses or donor cards, whereas less than most black persons had identified themselves as donors. The factors explaining race and gender disparities in willingness to donate for blood donation adjustmentRead MoreEssay on blood donation1115 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Juan Villacis COMM 1402-02 December 9, 2013 Title: MORE PEOPLE SHOULD DONATE BLOOD. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: How many people have donated blood before? Does anybody know how many people can be saved by one donation? One donation can help save the lives of up to three people and since blood is an essential substance that cannot be manufactured, It can only come from volunteer donors (,2013) B. Tie to Audience: Many people feel scared when they see needles and mostRead MorePersuasive Speech On Blood Donation1734 Words   |  7 Pagesemergency call for blood and platelet donation because the severe winter weather was eating up your blood supply causing a shortage and once again you issued a statement on July 5th, 2017, saying that, â€Å"The decline in summer donations is causing a significant draw-down of our overall blood supply, and we urgently need people to give now to restock hospital shelves and help save lives,† (Mandal). So, if I am understanding this correctly, the nation is still experiencing a blood shortage? Ok, here’sRead MoreBlood Donation around the World1932 Words   |  8 Pagesapproximately five liters of blood coursing through the vessel and delivering essential element. Without blood, the human body would stop working. Blood is fluid of life and health for each individual body. Every single drop of blood contains millions of red blood cells which functions as transporting oxygen to all parts of the body. If there are scarce, it will disrupt blood circulation of the body gradually. This phenomenon usually arises during severe blood injury. At this moment, blood transfusion is theRead MoreImportance of Blood Donation Essay709 Words   |  3 Pageswant to talk to you about the importance of donating blood. Some of you may know a friend or even a family member who has received blood at some time. I for one have received blood and I often wonder who took the time to donate it. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, it is noted that just 1 pint of blood can save three lives. Why You Should Give Giving blood does not just benefit recipients. Regardless of age, donating blood offers many benefits for donors. It lets you: time-consumingRead MoreBlood Donation: The Gift of Life1127 Words   |  5 PagesIn the US alone a blood donation is needed every 2 seconds; that is 41,000 blood donations that are necessary every day (Blood Facts). The first efficacious blood transfusion was done in 1667 on a boy who was administered sheep blood, the boy survived. This alone paved the way for modern blood transfusions. The first human to human donations were done in the early 1800’s and were unsuccessful due to the lack of knowledge with blood types. Then, in the 1900s, blood types were discovered and soonRead MoreBanning Blood Donation Process ( Mcadam Parker )1597 Words   |  7 PagesA thirty year old ban on homosexuals from donating blood has been lifted but not entirely abolished by FDA. It has taken tremendous efforts and time to end the discrimination against homosexual men to donate blood in United States. Since 1977, FDA had disqualified homosexual men or any man who had sex with another man e ven once from donating blood. This was due to the unreasonable and unfounded fear of contracting and transmitting HIV/AIDS. There was not enough information available from the government

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